How can we help you preserve your assets?

We are the only company that helps families discover how much money they can protect in five minutes or less from the comfort of your own home.

Learn about our process:

Step #1​

Share your story with us.

Just like in any relationship, we start by getting to know you in order to fully understand every relevant detail of your situation. With our free diagnostic tool, you can tell us all the necessary information we need to give you an estimate on how much you can protect in five minutes or less.

Next, we’ll reach out with a phone call to get any missing pieces of the puzzle to get a full view of your financial position. In just a few conversations, we’ll be able to get your protection plan started.

Step #2

We pull together our pertinent resources. 

Next, we pull out all the crucial materials (out of our archive of hundreds) that put the law on your side. We’ll comb through our library of documentation and resources to select only the ones that will benefit you the most.

Depending on the size of your family, assets, location, and other variables, we’ll determine which financial instruments to deploy and how many of them are necessary to use.

Step #3

We’ll strategize the best course of action.

We run the numbers and calculate the exact amount you’ll be able to protect. The number we give you represents the exact amount you can immediately and permanently protect.

Step #4

We’ll present your options.

We’re not here to make decisions for you. That’s up to you and your family!

We will lay out all of our findings in a simple and understandable way. By the end of our consultation you’ll have all the knowledge, every detail and nuance, needed to make an informed decision and permanently protect your family’s life savings.

We’ll compile a packet of documents to establish the various trusts and annuities under the approval of the Power of Attorney. You’ll receive everything you need plus all of the relevant facts and figures to address the nursing home staff in an empowered manner.

Step #5

Together, we’ll execute the plan.

Once you’ve chosen the option that best fits your situation, we’ll put your plan into action with the right financial tools at our disposal. Together, we can ensure that the your assets are permanently protected and never spent on facility expenses.

Our licensed staff and strategic partners will get you set up as fast and predictably as possible to allow for the smoothest ride for you and your family. When it comes to estate planning techniques, we’ll be there for you every step of the way.

Step #6

Take back your happiness.

After all of the documents are signed and submitted, we work with the trust companies and insurance carriers to ensure all policies are issued according to plan. Next, we provide a comprehensive overview of the protected assets and all of the crucial documentation you may need to provide the nursing home business office to help your family member qualify for Medicaid should they need it.

With your assets, dignity and peace of mind secured, you can now get back to focusing on your loved one’s care.

We provide the financial care
your life savings deserve.

Click the button below to discover how much money you can protect in less than 5 minutes with our specialized tool.