Nursing homes expect you to spend down your life savings in order to pay for the care you need. Medicaid only enters the scene to pay for long-term care after your savings are depleted. That means, you won’t be able to help your children and grandchildren in the future because all of your money will be spent on essential care. This is where we come in. We’re here to help with long-term planning in order to save your assets and keep money in your pocket.
Nursing homes expect you to diminish your life savings in order to pay for the care you need. Medicaid only enters the scene to pay for long-term care after your savings are depleted. That means, you won’t be able to help your children and grandchildren in the future because all of your money will be spent on essential care. This is where we come in. We’re here to help with long-term planning in order to save your assets and keep money in your pocket.
“Suspendisse non quam et dolor sollicitudin euismod. Etiam non rhoncus sem. Suspendisse ante libero, tempor at lacus non, suscipit tempus elit. Pellentesque a posuere ante. Aenean nec felis in lectus tincidunt blandit. “
We aren’t lawyers. We aren’t nursing home administrators. We aren’t bankers or high-up executives. We are a team of licensed professionals dedicated to protecting families’ life savings. With over 30 years of experience as a company and over 300 years of collective team expertise, we’ve helped more than 500,000 families secure their financial legacy. We have truly seen it all. We’ll work hard to protect everything your family has saved so that your financial future is safe and secure.
Our mission is to help families survive the devastating costs of care. We look to uncover hidden knowledge and provide essential financial protection for seniors and their families. Our services are dedicated to helping you keep your hard-earned money while maintaining the essential care you need.
It’s our goal that each family understands all of their options and is equipped to protect themselves. You’ve spent a lifetime building your savings; we’re here to ensure that those life savings are guarded with an asset protection plan that makes sense for you.
We believe everyone has the right to quality care without breaking the bank. It’s our priority to give you a full working knowledge of the confusing and emotionally challenging process of paying for nursing home care, and we believe you’re entitled to seeing the full picture.
We believe in empowering you with transparent advice and a detailed understanding of the nursing home care system to make smart financial decisions for you and your family. Every dollar saved from being taken by nursing homes is a dollar put toward your family’s future.
Nursing homes put you in a “use it or lose it situation”. With our reliable guidance, you’ll learn the crucial strategies to outsmart excessive nursing home costs with a plan that is extensive, tailored, and supported by documentation and state laws.
We provide personalized protection plans designed to make your life savings untouchable by third parties so that you’ll be able to share your hard-earned savings with your loved ones for years to come. The end result? Peace of mind and security.
We’ve been able to help over 500,000 families just like your own over 30 years. We guide the folks who are uncertain of their financial options or who don’t know how to connect all the dots to do the “next right thing” for their family. Unfortunately, most families find themselves in a state of confusion when consider options for caregiving. Talk to us and let’s figure it out together. We don’t want you to lose everything you or your loved one has saved in the matter of a few short months.
We’ll guide you to do what’s best for your family based on your state’s own laws and eligibility requirements. We’ll drop the legal jargon and technobabble and give you an explanation of your options in terms you can actually understand.
families helped with our
services and guidance
States across the
US are eligible
for our services
Protected in assets in 2020 alone.
We want to help every family with a loved one in a nursing home to achieve financial freedom while maintaining the care they deserve. Starting your protection plan with us is no cost to you.
Click the button below to discover how much money you can protect from the nursing home in less than 5 minutes with our specialized tool.
We provide the financial care
your life savings deserve.
Click the button below to discover how much money you can protect in less than 5 minutes with our specialized tool.
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